Paper Wasps

Paper wasps, also referred to as the vespid wasps, are known to gather fibers from plant stems and dead wood. Then they mix it with their saliva and use it to build nests. They have the power to build water-resistant nests.

The Paper Wasps are known to feed on the nectar from plants, but they don’t leave behind the insects. Caterpillars, beetle larvae, flies, and other dead insects form a part of their meals. Today, we will be talking about Paper Wasps and how you can finally enjoy life without them.

How does a Paper Wasp look like?

Picture of a Paper wasp

These little buggers are only ¾ inch long in size. They can grow up to 1 inch. They have a narrow waist and slender body. The wings rest by its body and are smoky black in color. Paper Wasps have yellow markings on its head and are usually covered in brown color. These markings are prevalent all over its body, i.e. the abdomen, bands, thorax, and head. The Paper Wasps are entirely different from the yellow jackets and the bald-faced hornets. They have open cells that aren’t covered.

The paper wasp colony consists of three castes – the queen, worker, and the drones (or male paper wasps). Queens hide all throughout the winter in dark and warm crevices like that of a tree bark. They build their own nest in the spring months.

The Habitat of a Paper Wasp

The paper wasps will not cause any kind of trouble unless it is being instigated. They feed on the dead and live insects. Paper Wasps have the potential to severely harm an individual that is threatening or bothering them. The paper wasps shouldn’t be confused with the yellow jackets; they are much bigger in size. The adult paper wasp feeds itself on nectar whereas it feeds its larvae on caterpillars. They are useful in some ways. They promote pollination and keep the growth of pests in control. No matter how beneficial they are, it is dangerous to have them anywhere near your house.

Paper Wasp Nest

Picture of Paper wasp nest

Their nests look like a work of art. They make it using paper like fabric. After chewing on the mixture of fabric from plants and dead wood they use their saliva to turn into a paper-like material. Paper Wasps build their nests under eaves, ledges, door frames, and windows. The nests resemble a lot like umbrellas or can be called semi-spherical. Several small cubicles like structures are made in it. They are also referred to as the umbrella wasps because their nests look like it. One nest can hold as many as 60 wasps.

Paper Wasp Sting

Their stings are very painful and have the power to trigger a series of allergic reaction in humans. One can even suffer from anaphylaxis after being stung from a paper wasp sting. These wasps continue striking the ones that disturb them.

How to Get Rid of the Paper Wasps?

Do you enjoy the beauty of a warm, sunny day? Of course, you do. It is refreshing, relaxing, and peaceful. But, don’t start dreaming too soon because it can be ruined by a couple of paper wasps. That is why it is very important that you deal with the paper wasps before they become a nuisance. These little monsters have 30,000 species and appear in several kinds of color. The change in weather and increasing global warming is causing the population of the wasp community to rise. Here, are a few ways to deal with the paper wasps.

Don’t let them settle in your home

Preventing the paper wasps from entering your home should be the first step of dealing with the problem. They will build a nest in your house the minute they find suitable living conditions and an opportunity to do so. You can keep them away from your home by creating an inhabitable living situation for them. Remove every source of food, crumbs, and trash. Think about the things that paper wasps are attracted to. This includes pet food, insects, and spiders. Always remember that anything that is sweet will draw the attention of a paper wasp. This also includes your lotions and perfumes.

Check the condition of your home by maintaining it. Fix every fixture and make sure there is absolutely nothing that needs to be fixed. Paper wasps build their nests when then find a small crack or crevice in the wall. Call a professional to fix all your windows, doors, and screens. When insects don’t enter your home, paper wasps won’t as well. There should be no burrows or holes in your garden. Fill every burrow in your garden with dirt.

Plants will help

Your garden needs the touch of some beautiful green plants. Grow a combination of thyme, spearmint, eucalyptus, wormwood, and citronella. All of these plants will keep the paper wasps away. It will serve a dual purpose of making your garden look beautiful and keep away the annoying paper wasps.

Use of peppermint oil

Paper Wasps hate the smell of peppermint oil. Apart from the use of spearmint, you can also use peppermint. In fact, any kind of mint is repelling for a paper wasp. If you find it hard to maintain a garden and plant mint trees, then dip cotton balls in peppermint oil and leave them everywhere in your garden and home. The best places to leave cotton-soaked peppermint oil is on the porch roofs, crevices, under the eaves, and even ledges. If you have discovered any old spot where the paper wasp built its nest, then there is a high chance that they will use that place again to build one.

The effectiveness of essential oils

When you are desperately trying to make your house, “paper wasp” free, then this option will come to your aid. This remedy includes the power of several types of essential oil. Mix together clove, lemongrass, geranium, and lavender oil. This will cause the paper wasps to leave you alone, never to return. After combining equal proportions of these essential oils together, dip some cotton balls in them. If you want it to be more effective, mix a few drops of this with water and liquid dishwashing soap. Pour all these ingredients together in a spraying can. Squirt this liquid all over your house. Remember to do the same in your garden.

Remove its nest

If you are reluctant about using a chemical and toxic product, then it is better to resort to safe, eco-friendly manners to remove the nest of the paper wasp from your home. Fill a spraying bottle with water and add some dishwashing soap in it. Spray it directly at the nests of the paper wasps. This will kill them in no time by clogging the spores through which they breathe.

Now, if the size of the paper wasp nest is larger than normal, then it is better to use a garden hose. Follow the same technique and fill the garden hose with some dishwashing soap and water. There is a high chance that this procedure will result in some stings, so make sure you take the necessary precautions. Wear protective clothing and cover your face and mask.

These are some cost-effective and environment-friendly remedies that you can try out. If the problem is out of control, don’t hesitate to call an expert.

Paper Wasps Pictures

Collection of few Pictures of Paper wasps:

Paper Wasp Facts

Some unknown and interesting facts about the paper wasps:

  1. The paper wasps eat away the dead insects and flies. However, they will sting when provoked and are a complete nuisance in your house.
  2. The venom in the paper wasps has pheromones that turns it more aggressive. Don’t hover around the nest of a paper wasp. There are high chances you will get stung.
  3. You can treat the sting of a paper wasp with a deodorant spray.
  4. Each colony of a wasp has another community. You will find males, workers, and queens in each of them.
  5. The male paper wasp goes by the name of Drone. The only purpose that it serves is to mate with the queen. It dies soon after that.
  6. In the summer season, new queens and drones emerge. They get ready pretty fast to reproduce.
  7. The paper wasps usually die during the cold season.
  8. There are plenty of similarities between a bee and a wasp. The female paper wasp or the queen lays the eggs for the entire group. The queen can single-handedly take over the entire colony of paper wasps.
  9. Paper wasps are omnivores by nature. They feed themselves on both plants as well as other insects. They are scavengers and ruthless in their approach.
  10. Wasps are found everywhere in this world.

There are several agricultural systems where the wasps are used by farmers to control the pests. This article contains everything you need to know about paper wasps and ways to remove them.

Categories: Wasps