Carpenter Ants

By Wilna E. on 30th July 2019

What are Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants are species that belongs to the genus Camponotus besides being ‘polymorphic.’ So, there can be found in different sizes in the colony, and there is usually one queen without wings.

With a plethora of species of carpenter ants existing in the United States, you may find it hard when it comes to identifying them because of the size and color. Well, you may have had a close encounter with these bugs coming out of holes in surfaces made of wood, it’s easy to think that they are probably feeding on the wood. However, they don’t eat the wood they bite through. But they rely on their tough jaws which allow them to dig up tunnels or galleries so that they can raise their young ones without hassles.

This excavation poses a great problem for homeowners because the nests of these ants can get pretty big. Moreover, carpenter ants have been known to build galleries inside doors, insulation plastics and so on.

Size and Appearance

Identification of Carpenter Ants

While a majority of people do comprehend what a carpenter ant looks like, they may have a hard time when it comes to differentiating this annoying creature from a drywood termite. This can get pretty much difficult because both these bugs (carpenter ants and drywood termites) don’t look different when it comes to their appearance.

The fact cannot be held for denial that carpenter ants are largest of all the ones crawling on the walls in your house.

Depending upon the specific type of carpenter ants, their color seems somewhat different. These ants can have a black body with a thorax that’s reddish in color. Both male and female carpenter ants (with wings) appear out of their nests after the colony is fully grown. The coloration of these pests can be black, red and black, dark brown, red or yellow. Their wing size ranges from 6 to 12mm.

However, there are some vital things that you must know about carpenter ants, including:

  • They have long legs
  • They have curved antennae
  • They have observable waists
  • When they have wings, the front ones will be longer compared to the ones at the back
  • They make tiny holes in the wood so that they clear the debris comprising grainy sawdust.

Well, every carpenter ant gives the same look when it comes to their appearance except that there is a little difference in their color as well as size. In fact, the body of carpenter ants has been categorized into three different sections: head, thorax, and abdomen. Any black ants with a 3/8” size or even longer are most possibly carpenter ants.

Behavior and Habitat

Also known as “wood ants,” not all of the carpenter ants prefer to dwell in wood. Some of them like Camponotus castaneus prefer to live in the soil. It is important for you to know that it is very common for the population of these ants to reach between 2,000 to 3,000 workers. They take from 3 to 6 years to build such a massive colony. And it depends upon the species of carpenter ants that the mature colony makes it to 5,000 to 10,000 after a decade.

Carpenter ants establish their nests in which they place their eggs with high humidity. This is because these creatures are sensitive to humidness in the environment. These nests are known as primary nests. And once these are established, they procreate with energy. No doubt there is only queen to a colony, there are plenty of possible eggs that she deposits with every passing day.

Once the primary nests are beginning to mature, they lead to the construction of satellite nests. Older larvae, pupae and some ants with wings reside in these nests. As far as the residents of primary nests are concerned, they consist of the queen, the workers, the freshly born larvae and eggs. The queen constructs new nests and deposits around 20 eggs. Then these eggs are raised by her as they develop till the time workers ants do not come out.

The species of carpenter ants usually reside not only outdoors but indoors as well. They can be found in damp, empty or rusting wood. These little pests cut galleries into the wood grain so that they can easily provide the path allowing them to move to different sections of their nests. Decks, porches, and windows are some parts of the house that are more likely to be troubled by carpenter ants. This is because these are the areas that can be affected by wetness.

Truth be told, these ants are extensively known to build covered passageways below the surface. These passages often make them feed on some food and they pull out and feed on honeydew.

What do Carpenter Ants Eat?

Carpenter ants are the species that feasts on sources of proteins including living insects as well as dead ones. Furthermore, honeydew is something that catches their attention. Honeydew is a sugary liquid which is produced by scale insects and aphids.

Scale insects and aphids eat shrubs, plants, and trees. When carpenter ants are in the house, they eat meat as well as pet food. And as far as sugars go, they are likely to feed on honey, jelly, syrup and so on.

It is important for you to know that these pesky little critters don’t eat wood. They just remove it as they build tunnels and galleries for nesting purpose. Carpenter ants don’t eat cedar, but they will make its good use when it comes to building a nest.

Signs of Carpenter Ants Infestation

Carpenter ants have the capability of causing damage to any wood within which they build their nest. If you act casually when it comes to dealing with carpenter ant infestation, it can make things worse for you. It can take an ugly turn if it’s not treated at the right time. There are cases when a colony of these bothersome critters can develop satellite nests.

It is important for you to take every precautionary measure so that you can control an infestation in the right way. You cannot afford the colony of these ants to find their way back to your home. Considering this, you must rely on the expertise of a professional pest control service provider.

Any untrained individual would not find it hard when it comes to spotting or identifying carpenter ants with a naked eye. Of course, it depends on eye size and colour that helps one identify these creatures.

Here are five signs stating the fact that your house is affected by the carpenter ants infestation:

  • Being huge and black in colour, there can be a sign of an infestation of carpenter ants if you see them crawling in your house.
  • If you come across long ant trails in your lawn, then it’s a sure shot sign of infestation. These bugs will even cover a long distance to search for food so that it can be brought back to the nest.
  • The carpenter ants produce a different sound when they are in a large colony with plenty of individual ants. And if the colony is massive to create hearable sounds, it seems to be a mature colony.
  • Finding big ants with wings when coming from walls, ceilings, floor beams and hidden cracks is a sign of infestation by carpenter ants.
  • Discovering shed wings of swarmer carpenter ants near vents, baseboards and window sills.

When the infestation is terrible, you can find piles of wood shavings underneath the wooden items. Therefore, it is very important for you to seek assistance from a professional that can help you get rid of carpenter ants infestation.

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are really annoying creatures. When you get up close and personal with them, you feel like eliminating them by simply crushing them. Well, you can find several various options to choose from when it comes to getting rid of carpenter ants.

These ants require a water source so that they can survive. Who would want to run into red, brown or black carpenter ants in their house? It will be better if you eliminate sources of standing water or moisture that lets them breed.

Make sure you keep branches of the tree cut back from the house. These bugs can easily get into your house through these branches. Besides, it is crucial for you to ensure that there are no cracks around the bottom of the window or doors. Sealing every opening with a silicone-based caulk will be the best thing you can probably do.

Avoid keeping building materials as well as firewood from your home. It always pays to contact a reputable pest control company that can analyze the situation. They can even recommend you a suitable method for the extermination of these ants.

Pictures of Carpenter Ants

Here are some pictures of carpenter ants to help you understand more about these pests:


No doubt ‘prevention’ is the most preferred form of pest control. So, there are some simple guidelines for you to consider to keep these pests out of your home.

  • To begin with, it is vital for you to clean your home, especially the flooring, kitchen, bathroom and countertops. If ants don’t find a food source, there is no way they are entering your home.
  • Avoid leaving spoiled dishes or food leftovers in the sink.
  • Any spilled food items should be cleaned right away.
  • Make sure you seal all the food items in firmly closed containers.
  • It is important that you seal any holes, gaps or cracks.
  • All the tree branches must be kept away from the walls.
  • The trash must be taken out at regular intervals.
  • All the trash cans must be cleaned as well as properly sealed.

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